2014 Exploring The Northwest – DAY 22/23 – Family Camping with the Cunninghams
We broke camp early this morning and headed for Carnation, Washington. Carnation is a small farming village, east of Seattle, and about a 20-minute drive from the Cunningham’s new home in Redmond. Our camp location is a beautiful, little county park next to a river. Renee/Mark/Cameron/Avery/Ryan arrived early afternoon with two vehicles packed with camping gear. They set up their new tent and blew up their queen size, pillow-top air mattress that created a challenge to get it into the tent.
Camp Cunningham is up and running!
This is what camping’s all about
Ready for the campfire
The two days were all about food [hot chocolate, and yes, even SPAM], hiking, playing in the river [Brrrrr], and of course a roaring fire for roasting marshmallows.
Those Seahawk fans are LOUD! Go Niners.
I can make this fit.
Comforts of home.
We can all fit….very comfortable
Looks cold!
A little sun on the river bank.
Ready to hike!
Crossing the suspension bridge
Carnation has a well-known grill frequented by bikers – they have great, spicy, vegetarian burgers. We forgot that the Seattle Seahawks were playing this afternoon, so the place was packed with loud, cheering supporters. Obviously we didn’t identify ourselves as 49er fans. Seattle lost!!! How awful –NOT!