Hello, I'm Andre.
After working in high-tech for 40 years, I looked forward to the freedom to explore or to do anything that captured my interest, whether real or imaginary. I considered various activities or interests my friends and acquaintances were pursuing: flying, golfing, gardening, sailing, cycling, tennis, playing an instrument, theatre, learning a new language, etc. I’ve tried most of them. Yes, I enjoyed them, but none of them ‘stuck.’ Enjoyment waned once I reached mastery or familiarity. They felt too restrictive or repetitive and were primarily a socializing vehicle – not something I sought. I would easily get distracted by the next ‘shiny object’ that caught my attention or curiosity.
When I set up this blog ten years ago, I borrowed the term ‘walkabout’ from Australian Aboriginal culture. It refers to a right of passage via a journey through the wilderness of one’s choosing—physical, imaginary, or spiritual—by following the ‘songline’ of one’s spirit.
So, I set on a mission to collect experiences guided by curiosity and enjoyment. My initial focus was traveling and exploring our world. The higher the number of incidents, the better. I strived to live a vibrant life surrounded by a gallery of adventures and discoveries. The visual metaphor is Gertrude Stein’s home at 27 rue de Fleurus in Paris.
In Paris, Gertrude Stein’s home included a vast collection of art that she accumulated over the years from artists who were her friends and acquaintances, including Picasso, Matisse, and Hemingway. Her parlor became the renowned Saturday evening gathering place for artists, intellectuals, and notables to exchange ideas, interpretations, and views. So, I hoped to create a virtual parlor (Andre’s Walkabout website) where I could hang my experiences (postings instead of pieces of art) to share (comments, amplification via the blog) with others of similar interests.
Initially, I didn't realize I loved to write. So, I decided to start by writing about my travels and adventures. Each of the trips became an artifact in my blog. Initially, I focused on reporting my travels as Joe Friday of Dragnet used to say: “Just the facts, Ma’am,” not dissimilar to hanging photographs. I was cautious in bringing my perspective forward and opted to include numerous photos and a minimum of writing. That changed as I started weaving my point of view and interpretation into the postings. I strived to move from the ‘photos mode’ to painting a scene.
Presently, travel will continue to be the main component; however, my direction has moved to exploring the spiritual, philosophical, and sociological realms.
I am also in the early stages of writing a futuristic novel, hopefully not infected by a dystopian vista.